Emma Plimmer's profile


Collier Schorr - Jens F.
Born 1963 in New York City , Schorr studied at New York's School of Visual Arts ad started her exploration into postmodernism photography that were on the border of documentary and fiction. She normally photographs people and uses them allegorically, she dives into identity politics and the ideas of selfhood. Her work has been featured in many well known places such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Her project at first aimed to give someone another identity through photography by taking pictures of a young boy in many of the positions that Andrew Wyeth painted the model Helga. However throughout the project the volume began to turn into more of a log or sketchbook where we can see unfinished projects, and as the viewer we watch changes happen over the time of the project. Like the boy changing and the light, even the levels of intimacy in the images.
The images on these pages of her photobook have a really interesting layout. The hand written notes make the project feel more intimate and real. The use of montage in this project portrays the images as more of a process and journey than just a still image with no depth. I really like that about this project and I would definitely like to try and recreate this in my own project. This work also fits the theme of transformation and the way it shows this is very unique. The images are all taken with natural warmer light that adds to the warm and inviting feel the images have. The framing of her portraits is interesting and allows for more focus to be drawn to the surroundings. Using raw edges around the collaged photos and clippings that look to be hand cut out create the sketchbook, unfinished effect and makes it feel more intimate and real which I really want to create in my own images.



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